

  • I work with Github to make updates easily into the game and to keep a record of changes, all while collaborating with others.


  • Adding the script into the game: dialogues, characters, sounds, choices, variables, movement, etc. -> The base price is 20$ per 1k words (0.02 per word).

  • The price may vary if you need a very complicated scene that requires more time and effort (ex. a fight scene).

GUI (Game User Interface):

  • Adding the GUI into the game -> The base price is 100$. This price only includes what's in a basic set of screens, such as:

  • Main menu

  • Preferences

  • Save/Load

  • Choices

  • History

  • Help

  • About

  • Confirm (Yes/No)

  • The price will vary if you want to add more screens, such as: Music Room, CG Gallery, Custom Screen, etc.

  • If you want a more complicated animation for the Main menu (or any other screen), this will be added to the price.

  • Note: This service does NOT include MAKING the graphics for the UI.


(Warning: The video above has flashing images)

If you are interested,
please be sure to check the Terms of Service.

Terms of Service


  • The following Terms only apply for Programming services.

  • At the moment, I am NOT accepting works that require to be completed in LESS than a week.

  • If you need the service to be completed in a very tight time-frame and it's a very complicated one, it'll require an aditional cost.

  • If you want to keep the work hidden until you revealed it first, say it during the conversation with me. Otherwise, I'll assume you have no problems with me showing it on my portafolio.

  • I always send periodic updates of the work in progress. This is easier done via Discord.

  • My work cannot be used for AI training software or anything related to the blockchain.

  • I can decline a commission for any reason.


  • Payment is always upfront. (Only USD) I use Paypal invoices.

  • If the final price is > 100$, you have the option to pay 50% first at the beginning, and the rest 50% at the end.

  • Prices DO NOT include Paypal fees. The fees will be added to the final price in the invoice.

  • Do not send me money before we both agree about the work. If you do, there will be no refunds (I'll consider it a donation).

  • After we agree about the work and the payment is sent, there will be no refunds, even if you cancel it after.

  • We both will agree on a reasonable time frame for the service to be completed. If the service hasn't started after 3 months (meaning, nothing has been done yet), even if the agreed date hasn't arrived yet, you have the right to ask for a FULL refund.

  • If the service has been PARTIALLY delivered and hasn't been completed IN FULL after 3 months from the agreed date, you have the right to ask for a PARTIAL refund (or to not pay the rest).

  • Refunds only cover the payment I receive, NOT Paypal fees.

If you are interested, please send an email to [email protected]Or contact me on Discord (dmeoww)
before the new Discord update, I was (Johan#7444)